Trello + Alfred 3

I’m currently reading David Allen’s Getting Things Done, which has me obsessing over task management and how to best capture tasks as they arise. This obviously pushed me to rethink the tools I use for task management. I’ve tried many of the available tools – OmniFocus, Asana, Trello, and others.

I used OmniFocus for a while, but, as an Android user, eventually left the tool due to the lack of Android support. I need my tasks with me all the time, not just when I’m on my Mac. From there, I switched to Asana. Asana was a better fit, but always felt overly complicated. Finally, I switched to Trello, but missed the quick task entry that OmniFocus provided.

It dawned on me last night that someone had to have written an Alfred workflow to solve this problem. After some Googling and testing of various results, I found my solution – MikoMagni’s Alfred for Trello. After some quick configuration, I was up and running.

I finally have the convenience of OmniFocus’ task entry with the simplicity of Trello. I can use my Alfred shortcut (command + space), type ‘trello Do something useful’, and have a new card in my Organize list on my primary board. Now to start Getting Things Done…


My name is Jon Solove – I’m a solutions engineer at a content management and capture consulting shop, a software developer, an outdoor enthusiast, a runner, a dad, and a lot of other things.

I hope that this will eventually be a blog around content ranging from ECM, Capture, and software development to running, hiking, and dadding – anything that interests me. I’m not sure where it’s headed, but I hope to write on whatever I can think of in hopes that someone else also finds it interesting.

Hope to talk to you soon..